Tag Archives: Donald Trump

Biden reaffirms US support for Venezuela failed coup leader, calls Guaido ‘president’

President Joe Biden has reaffirmed US support for Venezuelan failed coup leader Juan Guaido, calling

Former President Donald Trump calls Biden ‘most unpatriotic president in American history’

Former US President Donald Trump has once again attacked his successor Joe Biden, calling him

Trump congratulates Buhari for suspending Twitter in Nigeria.

Trump wants more countries to ban Twitter and Facebook for not allowing free and open

shows US global reputation suffering amid Covid-19 pandemic

Washington’s handling of the pandemic, which began during the previous Trump administration, diminished many Europeans’

Palestine summons European envoys over ‘no’ votes to UN’s motion

Palestine has summoned four European ambassadors over their countries’ “no” votes to a resolution at

US troops targeting Iraqi forces instead of backing them

Speaking on Tuesday, Falih al-Fayyadh urged the Iraqi government to call for an end to