Parents put 3-month-old baby up for adoption so they can focus on work

Parents put 3-month-old baby up for adoption so they can focus on work

A father shared a story on Reddit that caused consternation among internet users. Parenthood is an important element of human life, full of joy, love, but also challenges.

Welcoming a new family member is a moment that brings excitement, but also radically changes the current order.

Each child is different, and his or her arrival in the family requires adaptation, a change of priorities and time to get used to the new reality.

This is why the decision to enlarge the family should be carefully considered.
After three months, they’re tired of the baby

A father shared a story on Reddit that caused consternation among internet users. The man wrote that he and his wife decided to give their newborn child up for adoption.

He added that for both him and his partner, work is the most important thing and they put their careers first. For this reason, his wife returned to work just two weeks after giving birth to little Elizabeth. Three months after the girl was born, they decided they wanted to give her up.

“It’s hard for me to remember life without a child. I love my daughter, don’t get me wrong, and giving her up for adoption wouldn’t be an easy task.

But keeping her might make my wife unhappy – in fact, it will make her unhappy. Ultimately I want what’s best for Catherine and Elizabeth and I honestly think this may be the best option for everyone,” the man wrote.

A caucasian baby girl lying in her baby stroller in a public park. It’s a sunny winters day and she is wrapped up in warm clothing, accessories and blankets.

Internet people outraged by parents’ decision

The man’s entry caused a wave of outrage on the internet. People in the comments compared this decision to an ordinary transaction, and the parents themselves to robots.

“I showed more emotion when I said goodbye to the dogs I was taking in for a few days,” “These people sound like robots or aliens trying out human life”, “They basically treated abandoning a child as a transactional exchange between two parties,” are just some of the avalanche of comments that appeared under the post.

This story shows how important it is to approach the decision to enlarge the family responsibly. Parenthood is not only joy and love, but above all responsibility and sacrifice.


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