China slams US, condemns Looting of Syria oil and grain

China stated that American occupation forces are massively smuggling crude oil and grain from the northeastern region of the war-torn country to their bases in northern Iraq. China criticized the United States for its “blatant and egregious” efforts to further Looting natural resources in Syria.

“We are struck by the outrageous and appalling US plunder of Syria. Over 80% of Syria’s daily oil production was smuggled out of the country by US occupation troops in the first half of 2022, according to data from the Syrian government, said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin on Tuesday at a weekly press briefing in Beijing, the country’s capital.

He went on to say that sixty tankers and trucks operated by US forces stole wheat and oil from Syria earlier this month.

ALSO READ: US Forces Steal 53 Tankers of Oil from Syria to Iraqi Bases

Banditry of this kind is making the energy crisis and humanitarian catastrophe in Syria worse. The United States is ruthlessly violating the Syrian people’s right to life. Syrians are struggling even harder to make it through the bitter winter because they don’t have much food or oil, the Chinese diplomat said.

“The level of US avarice when it comes to stealing resources from Syria is just as striking as its generosity when it comes to providing military assistance, which frequently amounts to billions or even tens of billions of dollars. Wang stated, “The US gets to reap the benefits for its hegemony and other interests, and it plunges other countries into turmoil and disaster whether the US gives or takes.”

The US must answer to Syrians and the international community for its oil theft, the spokesperson emphasized.

He stated, “We urge the US to stop trespassing on international law and breaking international rules.”

The Pentagon claims that the US military’s deployment in northeastern Syria is intended to prevent Daesh Takfiri terrorists from acquiring oilfields there. The US military has been stationed there for a long time.

Damascus, on the other hand, claims that the deployment is intended to deplete the Arab nation’s natural resources. Donald Trump, the former president of the United States, has repeatedly acknowledged that American troops were in the Arab nation because of its oil wealth.

source: chinamil

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