Two doses of corona vaccine is mandatory for Arbaeen pilgrimage

Two doses of corona vaccine is mandatory for Arbaeen pilgrimage

Iraq- Baghdad. It is mandatory for those going to the Arbaeen pilgrimage in Iraq to get both doses of the corona vaccine.

The Iranian president said at a meeting of the National Corona Headquarters: “By actively anticipating and preventing, the damage caused by the creation of new waves can be reduced,”

Read More: Mambobin Harkar Musulunci A Najeriya Sun Fara Shiryre Shiryen Tattakin Arba’in

He said: the Arbaeen Hosseini ceremony is depended on the Iraqi government agreeing and announcing the conditions for accepting pilgrims from the country.

He stressed that without a doubt, if the host country agrees, those who can visit the Arbaeen pilgrimage with the approval of both Ministries of Health Dose the corona vaccine.


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