Men should stop masturbating with Vaseline and lotions

Men should stop masturbating with Vaseline and lotions

Yes, you want to bust a nut solo, and you need some lubrication, so you look for the nearest Vaseline or lotion and use it. Stop that.

Vaseline and lotions are common household items; you can find them in almost every home since everyone needs to moisturize their bodies after a bath.

When some men feel horny and want to engage in some solo play, they might reach for Vaseline, a popular petroleum jelly brand, or other lotions for their skin.

Here’s why it’s a bad idea to do so:

It’s hard to clean off

Because it is not water-soluble, it is hard to remove from the body or sex toys. Vaseline and lotion could linger on the skin or inside the body, increasing the chance of bacterial growth and perhaps causing discomfort.

Causes adverse skin irritation and infection

Vaseline and other lotions are external products not intended for internal use. Using them on your sexual organs can cause irritation, infection, and health concerns. Some lotions contain alcohol, preservatives, and perfumes, which may cause dryness, redness, and swelling.

Makes condoms weaker

If you use Vaseline or lotion and then masturbate, it can cause the condom to be weaker. This situation is even worse when you use it as a lubricant on your penis before sex. It can weaken condoms, compromising latex and rubber-based materials and reducing their effectiveness as a barrier against STIs and unwanted pregnancies.

It is not as slippery as lube

They may not provide the smooth sensation of specially formulated sexual lubricants, because it is not as slippery as a lubricant, thus making them less comfortable for masturbation

So what should you use?

Whether you are masturbating or actually engaging in intercourse, you should use store-bought lubricant.

Vaseline and other lotions may cause irritation or allergic reactions in sensitive skin, while lubricants are hypoallergenic and skin-friendly.


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