Campaign to prosecute Israel for its crimes against Palestinians launched by Spain activists

In the Spanish city of Reus, activists have launched a campaign to demand that the international community hold the Israeli government accountable for its crimes against the Palestinian people.

The Palestinian Middle Easterner People group Affiliation and the city’s region coordinated the mission at the Opportunity Square in Reus in the area of Tarragona on Sunday, Palestine’s true Wafa news organization detailed.

Attendees included members of the Palestinian and Arab communities in Spain, Monsey Flores, the mayor of Reus, Spanish lawmakers, and Husni Abdel Wahed, the head of the Palestinian Authority’s mission in Spain.

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Amina Shoman, top of the Palestinian People group in Reus, said the activists plan to gather however many marks as could reasonably be expected to arraign the system for carrying out the wrongdoing of politically-sanctioned racial segregation against Palestinians.

Paula Varas, the deputy mayor of Tarragona, also expressed her support for the Palestinian cause and demanded an immediate end to the occupying regime’s crimes against Palestinians.

This is not the first time that a mayor of a city in Spain has criticized Israeli violations of Palestinian rights.

Due to Israel’s “systematic” violation of the rights of the Palestinian people, the mayor of Barcelona announced the suspension of ties with Tel Aviv in February.

In a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Ada Colau made the decision and emphasized that the city would suspend relations until Israel stopped its “systematic violation of the people of Palestine’s human rights.”

As per the city chairman, the choice was made after 100 gatherings and in excess of 4,000 occupants had marked a solicitation to break relations with the politically-sanctioned racial segregation system.

The Palestinian unfamiliar service as well as supportive of Palestinian privileges bunches hailed Barcelona’s choice at that point.

The Israeli system has dispensed with many Palestinians who go against the control of their territories by the system since the 1967 conflict.

The Israeli government treats illegal settlers with special treatment and enforces numerous Israeli laws against them; Palestinians, on the other hand, do not enjoy the same legal protections and rights. By consistently denying Palestinians equal rights, human rights groups have emphasized that Israel is committing the international crime of apartheid.

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