The Hypocrisy of the West and Silence of Arabs on Israel’s Crimes Against Palestinians

The Hypocrisy of the West and Silence of Arabs on Israel's Crimes Against Palestinians

Israel’s crimes against Palestinians shock the conscience of humanity. But even on these conscience-shocking crimes, the conscience of humanity has sunk into the deep sleep of winter. The eyes of the world are closed to these crimes, and the intellectuals of the world have become deaf and dumb with no voice left to speak.

In the history of international relations, no more terrible, cruel, and anti-human regime has emerged than Israel.

There is no crime that this regime has not committed time and again. Aggression, war crimes, crimes against humanity, crimes against civilians, demolition of residential houses, destruction of farms and gardens, imprisonment of children, terrorism, kidnapping, racial discrimination, apartheid, and widespread human rights violations occur daily in Israel. get the result.

Whereas if a country or its politicians commit even one such crime, then it is enough to become an object of hatred at the international level.

But it is with great regret that no country and no court has dared to bring a criminal from the political set-up of this regime to the trial table and punish him.

This is the reason why these crimes of Israel against Palestinians are considered very heinous crimes against humanity which affects the conscience of humanity. But even on these conscience-shocking crimes, the conscience of humanity has sunk into the deep sleep of winter. The eyes of the world are closed to these crimes, and the intellectuals of the world have become deaf and dumb with no voice left to speak.

But how does this situation happen:

1. Historical persecution of the Jews by Europeans in previous centuries.

2. The killing of the Jews and their persecution during Hitler’s time.

3. The effort and unity of the Jews in documenting these crimes.

4. Relentless efforts by Europe and the United States to protect Zionism after its establishment in the Middle East.

5. The repetition of these crimes by the Israeli regime for more than seventy years, has made it a normal thing, and the world has become accustomed to these crimes.

6. Extreme misuse of the atrocities on the Jews by the Zionist politicians.

7. Zionist dominance of capital and media internationally, especially in America and Europe.

8. Friendship and cooperation with the political and judicial systems of important countries.

9. Shamelessness, insolence, obstinacy, and international hypocrisy of Zionist politicians

10. Bad, arrogant, subversive, rude, hollow, unprofessional, cowardly, divisive, treacherous defense of the majority of Arabs and Muslims in the Middle East against this regime.

Just a small fraction of these crimes is enough to inspire hatred toward this regime. Also, this Zionist regime has no fear of media coverage and publication of its films and images of the killing of Palestinians, as no international organization or institution condemns the regime for its crimes. This regime, it seems, is above any law and no one has the right to question and impeach it.

Today, we see Israel attacking and killing innocent Palestinians in Gaza to divert attention from its internal crisis.

The truth is that Israel would not have the power and ability to commit such crimes if it were not for the current international system created by the West after World War II. Crimes have continued for 75 years without being referred to the international justice system.

Some people are surprised by this, but if we understand that the present America, which considers itself the leader of the Western world and human civilization and is proud of protecting human rights, is itself built on the dead bodies of 20 million natives. We wouldn’t be surprised.

Also, civilized Europe is also responsible for the killing of millions of people during the two world wars, just as Western civilization was built by stealing other nations’ wealth, so it should come as no surprise that America and Europe continue to support the Palestinians.
, especially remains silent on the killing of women and children.


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