A Look at America’s Human Rights Record

A Look at America's Human Rights Record Nigeria 21

America claimed to be a huge human rights defender all over the world, but what has it itself done on this issue and how many big acts of human rights violations it has committed, let’s take a look at it.

The United Nations criticized the United States for negligible progress in tackling systemic racism against people of African descent

The White House held the first conference on hunger, nutrition and health, in which criticized inadequate and ineffective government policies in these areas.

Amnesty International criticized the United States for the arbitrary detention of asylum-seekers of Haiti descent, calling it an example of torture based on racism.

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Human Rights Watch criticized the US government for refusing to pay a portion of the US foreign military budget to Egypt, alleging human rights violations by the Biden administration, and called government claims, against the evidence

Human Rights Watch released a report on America’s dismal track record in child protection.

The presence of more than 230 Afghan refugee children in the US without their families and guardians is telling its own story of child rights in this country.

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– In 2022, 748 migrants died on the southern borders of the US and this year was the darkest year for migrants seeking asylum in the US.

According to the US Defense Ministry, there has been a 13% increase in sexual assaults in the US Army.

– 2 out of every 10 citizens of this country, especially blacks, face armed violence in American cities.

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