Do you have Gamophobia?

Do you have Gamophobia?

Are you afraid of dating and committing to a single person? Do you have a fear of saying “yes” to a marriage proposal? When a relationship becomes serious, do you always break up?

Then maybe, just maybe, you are a Gamophobia.

Gamophobia is the fear of commitment or the fear of marriage. A Gamophobe is one who has Gamophobia.

Hence, if you’re afraid of commitment, you’re a Gamophobia.

If you’re afraid of becoming emotionally and/or romantically involved with another person, then my friend, you’re a Gamophobia.

Do you still have doubts about your Gamophobic status? Let me give you a few signs of Gamophobia.

You’re always insecure in relationships
You’re unstable emotionally
You have an intense fear of falling in love
You look for reasons to break up when the relationship is getting serious
You have trust issues
You get easily gets depressed when talking to someone new
You have this anxiety about settling down
Having said all that, the fear of commitment/Gamophobia can come in three forms:

1. Fear of intimacy/Genophobia

Genophobia is the fear of having sex.

When one is frightened by the thought of having an emotional or sexual relationship with another person, that’s a sign of Genophobia. In some cases of Genophobia, you might yearn to be intimate with another person but when it’s time to get down, you’ll find yourself drawing back. Childhood abuse is sometimes a major cause of this.

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2. Fear of inhibition

When you shoot your shot and get turned down, you’re likely to feel sad and embarrassed. That feeling of embarrassment is called inhibition.

As a result, the fear of being ignored, embarrassed, or not receiving all of the affection you deserve in a relationship can lead to gamophobia.

3. Gynophobia And Androphobia

Gynophobia and Androphobia are the fear of women and men respectively. Gamophobia and commitment troubles might arise from someone who despises the opposing gender.

Now that we’ve looked at the forms and signs of Gamophobia, let’s have a look at the causes.

What could cause Gamophobia?

Abuse from the ex

Oftentimes, bad experiences from previous relationships can make you lose interest in commitment, and this can gradually turn into a phobia.

Bad childhood experiences

Growing up in an unhappy or broken home can make you become a germophobe. Being abused as a child emotionally, sexually or physically, also triggers gamophobia.


Someone who is naturally uncertain about themselves or other people can struggle to remain committed in relationships. This is not about their partner, it is always about their personality.

Are you Gamophobic and think you need help?

Surround yourself with couples in a happy relationship, and;
Try consulting a therapist.


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