A big war was going on between Iran and America, Iranian soldiers showed America its skills in film style

The Iranian military has commemorated the anniversary of the US embassy takeover by students as a symbol of the nation’s resistance against global arrogance and American hegemony, saying the developments unfolding today in the region and elsewhere in the world foretell America’s decline.

The General Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces marked the National Day of the Fight against Global Arrogance, which falls on November 4, in a statement released on Wednesday.

It said the occasion is a symbol of the Iranian people’s “oppression-fighting, freedom-seeking, resistance and perseverance” against the greed and hegemonic policies of the criminal US regime.

Forty-two years ago on this day, Iranian students took over the American embassy in Tehran, also known in Iran as the “Den of Espionage,” less than a year after the Islamic Revolution toppled the US-backed Pahlavi dictatorship in 1979.

On the eve of the anniversary, Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) released detailed footage of its successful seizing of an American vessel that had stolen a shipment of Iranian oil in the strategic Sea of Oman.

“Now, after over four decades of the Islamic Republic’s blessed existence, we are still witnessing repeated hostilities and inhumane conspiracies of the American terrorist regime and the fake Zionist regime against the people and the [government] of the Islamic Republic,” the Armed Forces’ statement read.

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It then enumerated the crimes perpetrated by the “terrorist-nurturing” US regime and its allies against Iran, including the draconian sanctions, attempts to hamper Iran’s nuclear progress, the assassination of the country’s nuclear scientists, the assassination of Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani, and the destabilization of the country by different means, such as the latest cyber-attack on gas stations.

In spite of the aforementioned hurdles, the Iranian military continued, the Iranian people and government have managed to unmask the decline of the United States’ fake and evil grandeur throughout the world.

Each year, Iranians commemorate the National Day of the Fight against Global Arrogance by staging rallies across the country. Last year’s events were canceled due to an increase in COVID-19 infections, but people can attend this year’s events while observing health protocols. IRGC Chief Major General Hossein Salami is expected to address the main event in Tehran.

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