Iranians jubilating after the victory of Chief Justice Ebrahim Raeisi in Iran’s presidential elections

Iranians jubilating after the victory of Chief Justice Ebrahim Raeisi in Iran’s presidential elections
A supporter of Iranian ultraconservative presidential candidate Ebrahim Raisi raises his portrait during a rally in the capital Tehran, on June 16, 2021, ahead of the Islamic republic's June 18 presidential election. - The field of candidates in Iran's presidential election thinned today, two days before the vote in which a victory by Raisi is widely seen as a foregone conclusion. Three of the seven men who had been approved to enter the lacklustre race pulled out, further solidifying the position of Raisi, 60, in a vote where turnout is predicted to hit a record low. (Photo by ATTA KENARE / AFP)

Ebrahim Raeisi’s recent election as Iran’s president serves as a “victory” for both the Islamic Republic and all the other countries that form the regional axis of resistance against global arrogant powers and their regional plots, an Iraqi political expert says.

“The elections will leave a positive impact on the entire resistance axis, which has [already] been witnessing successive victories on all fronts against the arrogant powers’ projects,” Mo’ayyed Ali on Sunday.

“This is because Ebrahim Raeisi [is a character, who] has risen from the heart of this axis and speaks in chorus with [those treading down this] auspicious path,” he added.

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The commentator further explained that such a figure’s rise to the position “afflicts anxiety and fear on the enemies and is a source of hope and enthusiasm for all resistance forces, their supporters, and the underprivileged nations.”

He predicted that the election of the Principlist candidate would be followed by “reinforcement, stability, and growth of the [collective regional] resistance nation.”

The remarks came after the Iranian judiciary chief won the vote by a landslide over three other candidates, during the elections on Friday.

The elections were held amid an ear-splitting political and media campaign by the United States as well as its Western and regional allies trying to portray it as “undemocratic.”

The campaign had estimated the turnout at the event to stand at around 28 percent, claiming that the US-led economic war that has been targeting the country has turned the general public away from the polls.

The level of popular participation, however, turned out to be almost twice the prediction. The elections were also followed by jubilation throughout the country and countless congratulatory messages on the part of world leaders and resistance figures.

  • Ali called the elections and the zealous public reception of it an indicator of the country’s “commitment to its Islamic Revolution as well as the Revolution’s principles and its [prominent] characters.”
    ‘A big slap in the face of enemies’

The elections served as “a big slap in the face of Iran’s enemies” following more than four decades of their scheming against the country,” and frustration of all of their rumors. “The elections were held in a democratic and an open atmosphere,” he observed.

The expert also expected the event to be followed by a “great change” in Iran’s domestic and foreign policy, especially in the way it interacts with the US.

He cited Raeisi’s allegiance to the Principlist camp, saying the camp has “a number redlines” concerning the manner of interaction with Washington.

The commentator, accordingly, predicted that Tehran would begin negotiating from a higher bargaining position in ongoing talks aimed at the potential revival of the country’s 2015 nuclear agreement with world countries.


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