These places you get germs from everyday

These places you get germs from everyday

Germs are found everywhere, they (microbes) can be found in the air, on food, plants, animals, in the soil and water, and on almost any other surface, including your own body.

Most germs are harmless because the immune system protects the body from these infectious agents. Some bacteria, on the other hand, are challenging foes because they are continually evolving in order to get past your immune system’s defenses.

Bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus, yeast, and mold are found everywhere, and they can make you sick. Bacteria and viruses can spread from one person to another and from one surface to another.

Here are seven places you get germs from every day:


Restaurants are one the places infested with germs. There are several ways germs spread in a restaurant and one of them is the food being served. Some of the foods being prepared at the restaurant are not properly cooked, and that can expose you to bacteria like salmonella, shigella, and campylobacter.

Also, the workers in the restaurants can spread bacteria. Not all workers in the restaurant practice personal hygiene, and this can contaminate your food and surfaces.

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2) Hotels

There are several spots that are germ-infested areas in hotels, some of which include the elevator, doorknobs, and toilet seats. Research shows that an average hotel elevator button has 1,477 times more germs than the average household bathroom door handle and 737 times more germs than a household toilet seat.

There’s also a possibility that some of these hotels have bed bugs living in their mattresses.

3) Swimming pools

Swimming pools may be infested with germs. Over the last decade, there’s been a rise in recreational water infections, when someone with diarrhea goes swimming, the pool becomes easily contaminated, and chlorine does not necessarily eradicate the bacteria promptly.

Even in a well-disinfected pool, the bacteria called ‘crypto’ can persist for days.

4) Your home

There are several places in your home that are infested with germs. Research shows that more than 75 percent of dish sponges and rags had salmonella, E. coli, and fecal matter, compared to 9 percent of bathroom faucet handles.

The knobs handle, and switches in the home are also infested with germs.

5) Malls

A mall is a public place, and anywhere people gather is filled with bacteria and viruses. The escalator handrails, elevator buttons, ATM keypads, doorknobs, and restroom are all filled with germs.



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