Rayner critisizes Israel’s ‘unacceptable’ conduct in Gaza

Rayner critisizes Israel's ‘unacceptable’ conduct in Gaza
Rayner critisizes Israel's ‘unacceptable’ conduct in Gaza

Angela Rayner, the Labour Deputy Leader, spoke at the Labour Friends of Palestine reception

Angela Rayner has described Israel’s conduct in relation to aid reached Gaza was “unacceptable” at at the annual Palestine Reception at the Labour Party’s conference.

The Labour deputy leader also hailed Labour’s actions to support the Palestinians since coming to government in her speech.

Describing reports on the on-going conflict in Gaza Rayner said:””Over 41,000 Palestinians have been killed and over 93,000 have been injured. Many of those have been women and children.

“The humanitarian situation is beyond appalling. With dire sanitary conditions, a serious risk of famine, 17 hospitals completely out of service, and the polio outbreak. Aid flows are still far below Israel’s stated claim to flood Gaza with Aid.

“This is unacceptable and much more needs to be done.”

She then turned to Labour’s actions in government. Rayner said: “In our first two weeks in Government, we restored the funding to Unraw (the United Nations Relief and Works Agency) just as we promised ahead of the election.

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We announced five million pounds in new funding for the field hospitals and medical aid, and six million pounds to Unicef (the United Nations Children’s Fund) support to vulnerable families in Gaza.

“We have condemned settlement expansion, settlement violence, and unacceptable, and extreme rhetoric, including calling out Israeli government ministers.

“In that first month we withdrew the Tory Government challenge to the International Criminal Court. And we’ve undertaken a review of all arms sales to Israel and announced a suspension of a number of arms transfers.

“All of that goes to show the difference between three months of a Labour Government and 14 years of Tory rule.”

She thanked the Labour Friends of Palestine group for inviting her to speak at Monday’s event.



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