Mi-8 Helicopter with 22 People on Board Disappears in Kamchatka Region

Mi-8 Helicopter with 22 People on Board Disappears in Kamchatka Region

An incident has occurred in the far eastern Kamchatka region of Russia, where a civilian Mi-8 helicopter carrying 22 people on board has gone missing.

According to the Russian Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviation), the aircraft, operated by Vityaz-Aero, took off from the Vachkajec volcano in the southern part of the Kamchatka Peninsula, bound for the village of Nikolayevka, approximately 25 kilometers (15.5 miles) away.

The helicopter, which was carrying three crew members and 19 passengers, was last seen en route to its destination.

Rosaviation has launched a search operation to locate the missing aircraft, with another Mi-8 helicopter and a ground rescue team prepared to follow its route.

As of now, no further information is available on the disappearance, and authorities are working to gather more details on the incident. The search effort is ongoing, and an update is expected soon.


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