Israel-Hamas war: Here’s the list of nations backing Palestinian Group Hamas

Israel-Hamas war: Here's the list of nations backing Palestinian Group Hamas
Israel-Hamas war: Here's the list of nations backing Palestinian Group Hamas

The Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas launched its biggest assault on Israel in years on 7 October, sneaking into its territory and firing at least 5,000 missiles rockets at it. In retaliation to it, Israel declared a ‘war.

The Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas launched its biggest assault on Israel in years on 7 October, sneaking into its territory and firing at least 5,000 missiles rockets at it. In retailiation to it, Israel declared a ‘war’ after rocket attacks by Hamas militants who also infiltrated into the Israeli territory through land, water and air and launched an offensive on the civilians. Israel launched Operation “Iron Swords” to neutralise Hamas militants in Gaza. As per the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), more than 1,000 Israelis have been killed in the war on Hamas. The Gaza Health Ministry has also said that nearly 1,000 people have been killed and 5,000 others have been injured in Gaza, CNN report stated.

Earlier, a report by The Times of Israel cited the Foreign Ministry which said that 84 countries expressed support for Israel. Countries like France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom, and the United States also issued a joint statement expressing their joint support and condemned Hamas and its appalling acts of terrorism. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi also said that the country stands firmly with Israel in this difficult hour and strongly and unequivocally condemned terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.

Here’s the list of countries supporting Palestinian Group Hamas:


Though Iran has rejected allegations of its involvement in helping Hamas to organise attack on Israel, however, the country’s top authority Ayatollah Ali Khamenei hailed what he called Israel’s “irreparable” military and intelligence defeat. In his first televised speech since the attack, Khamenei said “we kiss the hands of those who planned the attack on the Zionist regime.” Reacting to the attack on Israel, Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi said that his country “supports the legitimate defence of the Palestinian nation,” after phone talks with Palestinian militant leaders.


Issuing a statement, the Afghanistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, “The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan affirms its support and for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on its historical lands, which is a legitimate, historical and legal right of the Palestinian people to defend the independence of the country, and appeals to Islamic countries and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.” It further added, “The international community, especially those countries that have a clear influence in the region, must stand up to the Israeli aggression against the innocent Palestinian people and cooperate to resolve the Palestinian issue on the basis of granting legitimate rights to the Palestinians.” A recent statement by Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Abdul Qahar Balkhi wrote, “Cutting off water, food, medicine and electricity above the Gaza Strip by the brutal Israeli forces, killing 704 civilians, including 143 children and 105 women; Injuring more than 2,000 people and deliberately targeting civilian homes, mosques, hospitals, and ambulances are considered war crimes and crimes against humanity.”

Saudi Arabia:

Saudi Arabia called for an immediate halt to the escalation between the two sides, the protection of civilians, and restraint. In its statement, it also recalled its repeated warnings of the dangers of the explosion of a situation as a result of the continued occupation, deprivation of the Palestinian people of their legitimate rights and the repetition of systematic provocations against its sanctities.


Iraqi armed groups aligned with Iran have threatened to target US interests with missiles and drones if Washington intervenes to support Israel in its conflict with Hamas in Gaza. Badr Organization comprises a large part of Iraq’s Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF), the state paramilitary organisation that contains many Iran-backed factions. The PMF has voiced its “unequivocal support” for the Palestinian factions fighting Israel and the Iraqi government has said the Palestinian operations were a natural outcome of what it calls “oppressive” policies by Israel.


Yemen’s Houthi leader Abdel-Malek al-Houthi said that if the US intervenes in the Gaza conflict directly, the group will respond by firing drones and missiles, and take other military options. “There are red lines when it comes to Gaza,” he said, adding that the Houthis were ready to coordinate with other groups and intervene.


Qatar in a statement has held Israel solely responsible for the ongoing escalation due to its ongoing violations of the rights of the Palestinian people, the latest of which was the repeated incursions into Al-Aqsa Mosque under the protection of the Israeli police.


The Iran-backed Lebanese group Hezbollah, an arch foe of Israel, said it was in “direct contact with the leadership of the Palestinian resistance” and described events as a “decisive response to Israel’s continued occupation and a message to those seeking normalisation with Israel”, Reuters has reported. A senior Hamas official said Lebanese Hezbollah “will join the battle if Gaza is subjected to a war of annihilation,” as reported by Associated Press.


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