These drinks you should always ask for during your period

These drinks you should always ask for during your period

Drink your way to less painful cramps, less draining flow, and bounce back from PMS faster than ever. These drinks will boost your energy, decrease bloating and ease cramping basically giving you an easier time dealing with fatigue and mood swings.

This uncomfortable time of the month calls for supportive actions, such as increased rest, heated bean bags, and soothing drinks especially since food appetite can take a hit. When you’re feeling tender and need some comfort, your body will thank you for reaching for one or all of these seven menstruation-friendly drinks.

This uncomfortable time of the month calls for supportive actions, such as increased rest, heated bean bags, and soothing drinks especially since food appetite can take a hit. When you’re feeling tender and need some comfort, your body will thank you for reaching for one or all of these seven menstruation-friendly drinks.

Dark chocolate with 70% cocoa or higher contains significant volumes of magnesium, iron, potassium, and antioxidants that help regulate blood flow, hormonal fluctuations, and pain management. However, supermarket hot chocolate products are not a good idea during this time. Instead, get melted dark chocolate or pure cocoa powder, and add a bit of vanilla, a tiny pinch of salt, honey, and milk to make your very own comfort hot chocolate.

Ginger and lemon tea
A steaming cup of ginger and lemon tea can relieve feelings of being bloated, sore, and nauseous. Ginger is renowned for its uplifting anti-inflammatory properties that relieve menstrual cramps and even soothe an upset stomach. Some studies even suggest ginger is as effective as ibuprofen for muscle pain.

Fresh lemon is great for soothing the stomach upset that often arrives with your period, and it pairs well with ginger both taste-wise and nutritionally for uterine support.
Combine fresh, grated ginger and a generous squeeze of lemon with hot water for the best results. Add a natural sweetener like honey if you prefer.

Turmeric milk
Also known as golden milk, this anti-inflammatory elixir is ‘comfort’ in a cup. Turmeric is packed with powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that work wonders for menstrual cramps. Although it is better fresh, powdered turmeric is far easier to find at the grocery store and will be plenty effective in a warm drink. Combine and heat ½ teaspoon of turmeric with a dash of cinnamon, a cup of milk (any variety will do), honey, and a crack of black pepper in a saucepan for a delicious, soothing drink.

Carrot and orange juice
High fruit consumption has been linked to reduced period pain. Both oranges and carrots are rich in vitamin C, which plays a crucial role in how the body absorbs iron. This makes them ideal fruits to consume while on your period, a time when you tend to lose a lot of iron through cervical bleeding.

Drinking carrot and orange juice will not only deliver a healthy dose of vitamin C but also come loaded with magnesium and potassium, which alleviate painful cramps and contractions. These two fruits pair well, but you can also drink plain orange or plain carrot for similar results.

Chamomile tea
Chamomile tea is often used as a natural sleep aid. But its benefits don’t stop there. The compounds found within this floral tea (glycine and hippurate) have been linked to the relief of muscle spasms.

This helps the uterine muscles relax, resulting in less cramping and tension. Chamomile tea also has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, helping to further reduce any pain. The subtly sweet flavor of this tea makes it a very soothing drink, perfect for winding down with a movie at the end of the day.

Green smoothie
Green fruits and veggies are always good for you, but they’re even better during your period. Drinking a delicious, fresh green smoothie at the start of your day or even as a pick-me-up snack will deliver an enormous nutritional boost that helps combat period-related ailments.

Dark leafy greens like spinach and kale contain iron and magnesium, while kiwi and bananas are loaded with antioxidants, zinc, and fiber. Simply blend frozen or fresh bananas with some leafy greens, kiwi, ice, lemon juice, honey, and the milk of your choice for a glass of creamy green goodness.

A smoothie containing green fruit and veg will not only help alleviate cramping but can also be used to reduce stress and restore mental and physical energy.


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