Ukraine–Russian, Washington waged a proxy war against Moscow: prominent activist

The Russia-Ukraine war, whose rumblings began in 1991 when NATO promised Gorbachev not to advance a single inch, has been portrayed by a prominent activist as Washington’s proxy war.

According to Ken Stone, a member of the “Hamilton coalition to stop the war,” who spoke with Press TV, Moscow attempted to avoid war with Kiev for approximately 30 years. However, when it discovered that Ukraine, the United States, and NATO were attempting to overthrow the Russian Federation, Moscow inevitably entered a direct military conflict.

Stone stated, “Over the past 30 years, NATO expanded 800 kilometers and took in 14 former Soviet republics and Warsaw Pact states,” adding, “then in 2014, the US and NATO with the connivance of Canada as well as staged a coup in Ukraine and put into Power a hunter that was riddled with Nazis and which launched a war against the Russian-speaking people in the Donbas.” “Then in 2014, the US and NATO with the connivance of Canada also staged

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He went on to say that, despite what is shown about the conflicts, the United States and Russia are actually engaged in a proxy war.

Stone emphasized that Washington “will fight to the very last Ukrainian” and that the lives of the Ukrainian people are the only thing that does not matter to the United States in the war.

He went on to say, “The countries of the West should be looking to sit down and negotiate an end to the conflict” rather than “upgrading and sending more military equipment, more men, and more funding to Ukraine.”

NATO, a Western military alliance, has increased its presence in Eastern Europe with fighter jets, surveillance planes, and aerial tankers ever since Russia’s “Special Military Operation” in Ukraine began.

Around a fifth of Ukraine’s south and east have been taken over by Moscow. It has made negotiations contingent on Ukraine’s recognition of Russian rule over the seized territories in order for the military campaign to possibly come to an end.

source: PressTV


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