Natural ways to get wider hips and bigger butts easily

Natural ways to get wider hips and bigger butts easily

While some women idealize the slimmest of frames and have their sights set on achieving a thigh gap and stick arms, there’s also a healthy portion of women who prefer a curvier look.

If you’re in the latter group and are not blessed with a curvaceous body, there are several ways to go about getting the frame you desire.

Do not be captivated by expensive surgery and the accompanied risks, instead begin with the natural solutions that you can try from home. We’ve put together three easy home remedies for bigger hips and buttocks, so if you have your sights set on being round and fabulous, read on!

On your mission to get bigger hips and buttocks, there are three main angles of approach. Firstly, there’s toning and contouring your bottom, hips, and waist (remember that toning your waist will accentuate your hips and buttocks).

Secondly, there’s addressing your diet to go easier on foods that are more likely to cause belly fat. Lastly, a corset is also a non-surgical way to create your desired proportions, which can be great for events, and with regular use will also train your body shape.

Exercises for bigger hips and bum
A bit of light exercise is the way forward when it comes to natural ways to get bigger hips and buttocks. You don’t need expensive gym memberships or personal trainers. Just add a few movements into your routine, and you’ll soon notice the difference.

Side lunge with dumbbells
Start by standing straight, feet together, with a light-to-medium weight dumbbell in each hand.
Leading with your right foot, begin to step out wide, directly to your right.
Bend your knee and push your hips back. Drop your arms so they’re sandwiching your right leg.

Keep your gaze forward.

Prepare to return to start: Push off with your right foot and shift your weight to your left leg, returning to standing at the center.
Do 12 reps on each side for 3 sets.
Chair pose
Start standing straight with your feet together and arms down by your sides.
Keeping your feet stationary, bend your knees and send your arms straight out overhead. Your thighs should be as close to parallel as they’ll go.

Keep your gaze straight ahead.
Hold for 30 seconds.
Side leg lifts

Lie down on a mat on your right side with your back, neck, and head in a neutral position.
Rest your head on your arm, which should be extended above your head.
Stack your legs on top of each other.

Brace your core and begin to raise your left leg as high as you can. Pause at the top.
Slowly return to the starting position.
Do 15 reps with each leg for 3 sets.


Start in an upright position with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Your toes should point out slightly.

Bend your knees and push your hips and butt back as if you’re about to sit in a chair.
Keep your chin tucked and neck neutral. Drop down until your thighs are parallel to the ground.

Be sure to keep your weight in your heels and your knees bowed slightly outward.
Extend your legs and return to an upright position.
Complete 15 reps for 3 sets.


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