ISIS: Internal Security Forces storm Al-Hawl camp in Syria, found weapons

The Internal Security Forces “Al-Asayish” have stormed the fifth department that hosts Syrians in Al-Hawl camp in Al-Hasakah countryside and found medium weapons and machineguns.

ISIS weapons warehouse found in Raqqa - ANHA | HAWARNEWS | English

Al-Asaysh forces carry out a security operation in the camp to control the insecurity and ISIS cells activities.

It is worth noting that the number of murders committed in Al-Hawl camp since the end of the first phase of the large-scale security campaign has reached 36, which indicates to alarming escalation of killings in the camp.

Accordingly, the number of murders documented by SOHR in Al-Hawl camp since the beginning of 2021 has risen to 75 murders, 13 in January, ten in February, 17 in March, one in April, six in May, six in June, six in July, eight in August, three in September and five in November. These murders have left 81 people dead, and the breakdown of fatalities in the past seven months was as follows:

• Two members of the Internal Security Forces (Asayish).
• 60 Iraqi refugees, including three children and 17 women.
• 18 Syrian people, including two children, five woman and the head of the “Syrian Council” in the camp.
• A gunman of a cell responsible for assassinations and murders in the camp, who was killed when he blew himself up with a grenade just after he had been caught by an Asayish patrol which was pursuing him.

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