Thousands bid farewell to Iranian Christian martyr in Tehran

Interfaith funeral; Numerous individuals participated in a memorial procession arranged for Johnny Bet Oshana, an Iranian adherent Christian who gave up his life to safeguard his nation almost 38 years prior, and whose remains had as of late been discovered.

Individuals from both the Muslim and Christian communities attended the funeral, which was held in Tehran after Friday prayers.

Oshana was just 20 years of age when he lost his life in March 1985 during Operation Badr close to the Tigris River. He was serving as an Army soldier during the war imposed on the Islamic Republic of Iran by Saddam Hussein’s Baathist regime.

The Assyrian Association of Tehran revealed that his remains were discovered and recognized in March 2023 with the assistance of DNA tests.

As per the association, none of his close family members could be reached to perform the last rites. This provoked Iranians from various backgrounds to express their readiness to fill the void as much as possible.

“I am present here today solely to tell this martyr that I am one of your relatives,” said a lady at the funeral, as per Fars news agency.

“Johnny Bet Oshana was our fellow citizen who gave up his life for the protection of our safety. Our attendance at this event is the minimum tribute we can offer to honor this hero,” expressed another participant.

Following the service held at St. Joseph Assyrian Catholic Church in Tehran, his remains were transported to the burial ground of the Christian community in Islamshahr, located in the southwest of the city.

In accordance with Assyrian practices and customs, he was laid to rest next to his grieving parents.

Relevantly, the Iran-Iraq war resulted in the loss of over 230,000 Iranian soldiers and caused close to 600,000 to become disabled. A staggering 43,000 individuals were taken as prisoners of war while numerous others went missing.

As per widespread reports, numerous Iranian Christians eagerly joined the war effort as a testament to their exceptional love for their country and their unwavering support for national unity.


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