The best 5 kinds of food to break your fast with

The best 5 kinds of food to break your fast with

While you might want to eat the most delicious foods to break your fast, there are healthier ways of doing it. Many churches use the beginning of the year to fast for various blessings during the year. While there are different types of fasts, one thing is sure — the fasts have to be broken with food.

Hunger can make you feel like loading up on all your favorite foods and all the carbs you’ve been wanting to eat, however, there are some things that should be considered when preparing to break your fast.

Experts recommend that people break a fast slowly with foods that are easily digestible to help avoid gastrointestinal problems. Quickly consuming foods that are hard to digest and heavy in the stomach, such as bread, fried foods, full-fat dairy products, and of course meat, can make one feel ill.

First things first: Drink water

Most times while fasting, you begin to experience headaches and dizziness, especially during a dry fast. This is because your blood sugar is falling because of your hunger strike and you are feeling dehydrated because of lack of water.

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It is therefore advisable to drink at least a glass of water before grubbing up on your food.

Start with fresh fruits

Easily digestible fruits with high water content such as grapes and watermelon are best for re-hydrating the body and get you feeling a bit back-to-normal. They will provide the body with energy and essential nutrients. Other fruits include but are not limited to dates, pineapple, pawpaw, apple, bananas. Avoid citrus fruits, such as grapefruits, as their high acidic content may upset your stomach.

Go for some soup

Vegetable soups, while also easily digestible, provide the body with Vitamins A through E as well as many essential minerals. According to Kitchen Butterfly, examples of soups for breaking you are fast include Pepper soup, Mushroom soup, Chestnut & Meatball soup, Dumpling soup, Mustard soup, and Tapioca & Coconut soup.

Time for some carbs

You can now start to include complex carbohydrates in your meal. An example of this is sweet potatoes, which provide just the right amount of energy without excessively raising your blood sugar levels. They are also loaded with beta-carotene, Vitamin C, and potassium. Other meals include yam, chicken, fish, beef, lamb, rice, seafood, pasta, etc.

Finish up with protein and vegetables

Eat one or more hard-boiled eggs or finish up with some greens. Eggs are one of the easiest ways to restock your body with protein as one egg supplies six grams of high-quality protein and all 9 essential amino acids.

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